La Lluvia de Ideas es una técnica grupal muy útil para aprender a interactuar con los compañeros y obtener buenos resultados. Esta técnica se lleva a cabo en grupos o equipos que oscilen entre 6 y 12 integrantes y un facilitador. Es importante determinar el reto a tratar, el cual debe ser específico, y se deben aclarar las normas ajo las cuales se llevará a cabo la dinámica. Estas normas son: Trabajar por turnos.Cada participante expresará su opinión respecto al tema a tratar. No se permite la crítica. Se debe evitar a toda costa enjuiciar o valorar las ideas de los demás, hasta que se hayan producido todas las participaciones. Aquí el facilitador debe poner mucha atención para mediar todas las intervenciones y evitar cualquier desviación

              LAS TIC EN LA EDUCACION 

The information and communications technology (ICT) can contribute to universal access to education, equality in education, the practice of teaching and learning quality and professional development of teachers, as well as address management and more efficient management of the education system.

UNESCO is implementing a comprehensive and integrated strategy with regard to the promotion of ICTs in education. Access, integration and quality are among the main problems that ICTs can address. The UNESCO intersectoral platform for ICT-enhanced learning addresses these issues through the joint efforts of its three sectors: Communication and Information, Education and Science.

The associated global network of offices, institutes and UNESCO provides Member States resources to develop policies, strategies and activities relating to the use of ICT in education. In particular, the UNESCO Institute for the Use of Information Technologies in Education (EITI), headquartered in Moscow, specializes in information exchange, research and training with a view to integrating ICT in teaching, while the UNESCO Office in Bangkok maintains close involvement with regard to the use of ICT in education in the Asia-Pacific region.

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